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Get Involved - Change a Life

Support the

IMAGINE…the Impossible for Every Child: Performing Arts Center Capital Campaign Building Fund...

Your support has immense impact!

IMAGINE…the Impossible for Every Child: Performing Arts Center is a registered 501(c) (3) not-for-profit charitable organization that relies on the financial support of individuals, corporations, and foundations to achieve its mission…which is to empower under-served children of Houston, Texas through the artistry, structure, and discipline of Classical Ballet Training.

Our team is working diligently to locate a stand-alone building where we can begin professional classical ballet training classes for the children of IMAGINE... and eventually expand to

a performing arts center offering multiple genres of dance and musical instruction.

As a non-profit organization, all donations help fulfill IMAGINE...'s commitment in providing exceptional classical ballet training.

You can help us make an impact with a charitable donation of any amount to IMAGINE… today!

Yes, I will donate to support the IMAGINE… mission.

Thank you for helping IMAGINE... empower under-served children of Houston, Texas through the artistry, structure, and discipline of Classical Ballet Training!


Your gift will make an impact on IMAGINE...that will last for generations.

Thank you very much.

With gratitude.

Other ways to give:

New Building Brick Tribute

Support our Capital

Campaign Building Fund by purchasing a Named Brick Tribute in our new facility.




Corporate Sponsorship

Businesses large and small can align their brand with IMAGINE…’s impactful mission and enrich lives through the performing arts.





Consider leaving a lasting legacy of support and guidance for IMAGINE…’s young artists of color by including IMAGINE…the Impossible for Every Child: Performing Arts Center in your estate planning.

For more information, email us at:

No goods or services are provided for donations and all donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable under the law.

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IMAGINE... The Impossible

for Every Child:

Performing Arts Center


12218 Jones Road Suite D #187

Houston, TX 77070

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